MEYDAN is a civil and construction company that has been building a strong reputation for delivering a quality service, on time, and at a competitive price. We pride ourselves on being skilled and experienced in all aspects of civil construction and this, combined with our extensive knowledge of the Pakistan market, has established us as major players in this industry.
Our commitment to innovation and excellence invariably results in a successfully completed project for both contractor and client. We understand and promote the idea of working as a partnership with our clients to ensure their goals are met.
Out teams have diverse experience and expertise of different projects from small private developments to large government projects. Our unique and flexible project management systems ensure that a positive outcome is achieved regardless of size or nature of the project.
MEYDAN has got license from Pakistan Engineering Council (PEC) in Category C-2 with limit of PKR 1.000 Billion and in process to get itself enlisted with the following departments:
- Government of the Punjab
(PHED, HUD Department, Punjab, Lahore.)
Communication & Works Department, Punjab, Lahore. - DHA (Lahore, Multan, Gujranwala and Bahawalpur)
MEYDAN strives to build quality projects by providing an honest, fair working relationship with its Clients, Subcontractors, and Vendors in an atmosphere where everyone feel comfort and experience the pride and satisfaction.
MEYDAN goal management consists of the process of recognizing or inferring goals of individual team-members, abandoning no longer relevant goals, identifying and resolving conflicts among goals, and prioritizing goals consistently for optimal team-collaboration and effective operations.
MEYDAN’s goal-management solution ensures that individual employee goals and objectives align with the vision and strategic goals of the entire organization. Goal-management provides organizations with a mechanism to effectively communicate corporate goals and strategic objectives to each person across the entire organization. The key consists of having it all emanate from a pivotal source and providing each person with a clear, consistent organizational-goal message. With goal-management, every employee understands how their efforts contribute to MEYDAN’s success.
For its successful commercial system, MEYDAN is aiming on the following goals:
1. Deriving profits by making the best quality of products together with the best quality of services available to the end-user /customer at the best possible cost.
2. Assessment and dissolution of non-rational blocks to success
3. Time management
4. Frequent reconsideration (consistency checks)
5. Feasibility checks
6. Adjusting milestones and main-goal targets
MEYDAN is also focusing on the following distinguished fundamental categories:
- Technological Management System
- Production goal
- Safety goal
- Economy
Business management:
- Supplying a product or service that the market/consumer/client wants.
- Supplying a product outstanding compared to other products perhaps due to the likes of quality, design, reliability and novelty.
- Running the organization in such a way as to make the best use of management skills, technology and resources.
- Secondary goals which refer to goals which an organization does not regard as priorities.
The MEYDAN’s goals for the next three years include:
- Investing profits into the company.
- Developing an infrastructure with future planning growth oriented.
- Developing a business succession plan to ensure long-term success.
MEYDAN believes in defining objectives within an organization so that management and employees agree to the objectives and to understand what they need to do in the organization in order to achieve them.
The essence of management by objectives is participative goal setting, choosing course of actions and decision making. Thus MEYDAN is working to the process of measurement and the comparison of the employee’s actual performance with the standards set especially when employees themselves have been involved with the goal setting and choosing the course of action to be followed by them, they are more likely to fulfill their responsibilities.
MEYDAN’s prime objective is to create a system of management whereby the superior and subordinate jointly identify their common goals, define each individual’s major areas of responsibility in terms of the results expected of him, and use these measures as guides for operating the unit and assessing the contribution of each of its members.
Unique Features and Advantages of the MBO Process of MEYDAN
Behind the principle of Management by Objectives (MBO) is for employees to have a clear understanding of the roles and responsibilities expected of them. Then they can understand how their activities relate to the achievement of the organization’s goal. Also places importance on fulfilling the personal goals of each employee.
Some of the important features and advantages of MEYDAN’s MBO are:
1. Motivation – Involving employees in the whole process of goal setting and increasing employee empowerment. This increases employee job satisfaction and commitment.
2. Better communication and coordination – Frequent reviews and interactions between superiors and subordinates help to maintain harmonious relationships within the organization and also to solve many problems.
3. Clarity of goals
4. Subordinates tend to have a higher commitment to objectives they set for themselves than those imposed on them by another person.
5. Managers can ensure that objectives of the subordinates are linked to the organization’s objectives.
6. Everybody will be having a common goal for whole organization. That means, it is a directive principle of management.
MEYDAN’s MBO Domains and Levels
Setting objectives in all domains of activities (production, services, business development (marketing & sales), R&D, human resources, finance, information systems etc.
These objectives are collective, for a whole department or the whole company, and/or can be individualized through practicing:
- Quantifying and monitoring project progress and cost controls.
- Reliable management information systems to gain productivity.
- Making corrective action to avoid the employees self-centered prone such as
- To distort results.
- Falsely representing achievement of targets that were set in short- term narrow fashion.
Quality is king at Meydan Construction (Pvt.) Ltd. We aim to make sure that the expectations of the client, engineer and all stakeholders are fully complied with and that projects are delivered with a high standard of workmanship in a timely manner. We always use products and materials that meet or exceed the requirements of the contract documents and ensure our staff are adequately trained.
We have planned to work towards compliance with Management System Standards and Certification to achieve Organizational Performance Management (OPM).
Occupational Health, Safety:
The health, safety and welfare of all staff, sub-contractors, clients and visitors is significantly important to MEYDAN, and it is our intention to strive for excellence in the effective health and safety management of all construction sites under our control.
We also aim to effectively mitigate all hazards arising from our facilities, activities and site specific environments.
We also ensure that we comply with all legal obligations, relevant standards and codes of practice with a commitment to developing a culture of safety within the civil construction industry.
Environmental Sustainability:
At MEYDAN we understand that environmental sustainability is everyone’s responsibility and as a prominent local company we are prepared to lead the way in this regard.
We also realize that a commitment to the environment is not just socially responsible, but also good business practice as we seek to increase our constantly growing reputation. For this reason, we ensure that our environmental policy is implemented throughout every facet of our business.
Simply put, our overall objective is to carry out our operations in a way which manages and minimizes any adverse environmental impact and to prevent any pollution.
In applying ingenuity, innovation and adaptability, we ensure our clients’ needs are met and their expectations exceeded.
By creating a workplace of shared responsibility, our employees are recognized for their initiative, professionalism, teamwork and the trust they engender in our customers, subcontractors, and the community.
It is of critical importance to understand the industry you operate in, and to identify and track your performance to key business success factors (KSFs) for your organization. Therefore, by understanding construction industry and working environment, at present following KSFs have been identified for MEYDAN that helped in building a successful construction business:
1. Thriving for number of new clients and/or customers every year;
2. Retaining the potential client and/or customer giving a lifetime value for each of them on a regular basis;
3. Hiring and retaining excellent employees;
4. Introducing new products successfully;
5. Good/healthy financing in terms of working capital, acceptable ratios (in particular debt to equity ratios), profit margins, cash flow, receivables and more;
6. Strong supplier network;
7. Low cost structure;
8. Being market leader or follower or challenger in the relative market;
9. Delivering quickly and easily the products and services through efficient time management.
A new company is formed under the title name “Meydan Construction (Pvt) Ltd” on 12th October 2020 and is in the process of enlistment with different civil and military departments.
It is believed that the prudent decision to form a construction company by the sponsors and promoters of the company becomes a success story in the field of civil work projects.
MEYDAN is currently focusing with the vision to become a comprehensive management style in executing and implementation of civil, technical and mechanical infrastructure work with true professional care and competence. The affirm desire is to provide a quality service to its cliental with a prospective long lasting relationship and has been going from strength to strength, taking on larger and more ambitious projects. Project and contract management systems are being designed to entire satisfaction of the customer.
MEYDAN is aiming to work to achieve Organizational Performance Management (OPM) with Management System Standards and Certification accreditation with its new name and style along with updating policies and procedures for Occupational Health, Safety, Environmental and Quality.